Saturday 14 September 2024

Rovers Training Weekend 2024

 Rovers Club in person training weekend was in Carlisle on a glorious sunny weekend at the end of August. Carlisle is a small historic city in the north west of England with a glowering ancient castle, a cathedral, a university (where we were based) and a history of bloody warfare with Scotland (just up the road). On this weekend the English and Scots mingled happily!

Carlisle Castle


We came together on Friday evening with an Italian meal at a small restaurant in the centre of Carlisle. It was far from quiet — Carlisle knows how to enjoy itself!

On Saturday morning, after a wide-ranging AGM, we held the Club Speech Contest, with speeches from members and with the audience as judges. Speeches included the subjects ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’, ‘Limit’ and ‘Great Expectations’. The speakers were thought provoking and entertaining, but sadly only one could win.

A gate in Carlisle


The afternoon gave us a useful presentation about using PowerPoint on Zoom — and we all learned. There was then a short presentation on ‘Hats and Headwear’.

The evening was our traditional dinner at the Crown and Mitre Hotel, with our invited local speaker enthralling us with his tales of the current and ongoing excavations of a very large Roman building just north of the town. This link will take you to related material — I recommend you scroll down to the video ‘Uncovering Roman Carlisle’.,vid:tgbGGycv0_8,st:0 

The next day members lead two workshops. One on evaluation, followed by another with the title ‘Go out and seek joy!’ Then the evaluation of the weekend (we had all loved it) and we set off for home, sad to leave but with the prospect of next year’s Spring Weekend not so far away.

Carlisle Coat of Arms


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