Wednesday 19th February. 2020 in Hutchesons' Grammar School - Room A21.
The evening was opened by President Brendan who gave apologies from three members and introduced
Roz who was the chairman for the evening. Roz gave an inspiration and topics were given to Grace, Liz, Louise, Brendan and Regina. Brendan handed out a quiz about Dance which caused much discussion and laughter. Following the Tea interval two speeches were given
One by Grace on a Hungarian Dance she did at school and
Lauren on the importance of dance lessons for the young.
Regina evaluated the speech by Grace and Louise the speech by Lauren.
A short business meeting was then held to discuss the Caledonia Council Speech Contest and to make arrangements for the Club Speech Contest at the next meeting.
The General Evaluation was given by Ruth and the Vote of Thanks and Timing was by Liz.
A very happy and informative evening was had by all.
The next meeting is on 4th March in Hutchesons' Grammar School - room A21 and is the Club Speech Contest to which all are welcome.