Monday, 28 October 2019

CALEDONIA COUNCIL - Saturday 26th October, 2019.

 Members of Caledonia Council met in the Doubletree by Hilton, Westerwood, Glasgow on Saturday 26th October, 2019.  The first item on the Agenda was a business meeting which was chaired by President Iris.    
(President Iris with workshop leader Ruth).
 Following the business meeting there was a very useful workshop by Ruth on "Personal Style"   This was a lively and enjoyable  session with members contributing. 
 The Second session in the morning was by Nancy "Using Words Creatively".    This session involved the members being given some words and asked to write a poem showing the meaning of the words.   this was enjoyed by all.

A delightful lunch was served by the hotel and after lunch there was a "Lifeboat Debate" chaired by Liz.   Six members were given characters (Robert Adam (Carole), John Logie Baird (Roz), David Livingstone (Elizabeth), Ian Rankin (Terry), Robert Burns (Margaret) and Joseph Lister (Laurence)
This was an excellent debate and was very closely run with the winner being Joseph Lister.

Following the Lifeboat Competition there was a short session where members had the opportunity to complete Evaluation Forms.

The Vote of Thanks was by Margaret and the meeting closed at 3.30pm.

The next meeting of Caledonia Council will be the Speech Contest on Saturday 28th March, 2020.

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