Thursday, 16 May 2019

POWERtalk Pollokshields – Transformations

 POWERtalk Pollokshields Club Meeting held in Hutchesons' Grammar school Room A21 on  15th May 2019.

The theme for the evening:  Transformations.

 President Scilla opened the meeting a welcomed the members.  She introduced Louise who was the Chairman for the evening.
 Following an interesting Inspiration, Louise handed out Topics.
The first topic went to President Scilla on Favourite stories involving a change
 The second topic went to Ruth on Makeovers.
 Carole took the next topic on Windfarms (dressed  up suitably for her visit to the Eurovision Song Contest)
 Brendan's topic was on a favourite toy as a child
 Lauren was asked about transformations in animals.
 Roz gave us all an education session involving words using a word wheel and guessing the correct meaning of various words.

Following the tea break we had speeches from Liz "Thanks Tim" and
Grace on Transformations - Myth, Fact or Fantasy?

There were various items of business which were discussed in the Business Meeting.

Regina gave us the timing on the evening.

A full General Evaluation was given by Ruth

Regina gave us the Closing Thought and Vote of Thanks.

Date of Next Meeting - 29th May 2019

Theme:  Let's Get Cooking and AGM.