Thursday, 6 December 2018

POWERtalk Pollokshields

5th December, 2018 at 7.30pm. in Hutchesons' Grammar school - Room A20.

Theme:  Under the Weather.

The meeting was opened by President Scilla who gave apologies from Carole and Ruth.  Grace was introduced as Chair for the evening.

Interesting topics were handed out all based on the Theme for the evening.

 Louise on advantages of being under the weather - she could not see any.
Liz and the Science of the Weather.
 Regina and Looking Under the Weather
 Roz on reacting to superstitions such as St Swithin's Day.
 Iris gave a very lively and useful education session on beginnings and endings of speeches.  Everyone contributed and this was a very lively session.

Following the tea interval there were speeches
 Lauren made her first speech entitled "Under the Weather"

Anita made her first speech this session as she has been in Bordeaux the title was "Distant Skies"

Evaluations were by Scilla and Roz.

This was followed by a short business meeting.   Brendan presented the Budget on behalf of Carole.
The Christmas Party was discussed with members volunteering contributions.
General Evaluation was by Liz, the Timing, Closing Thought and Vote of Thanks was by Louise.

This was a very entertaining and happy meeting.    

The Party will be held next week in the home of a member.

The club meetings will recommence on 6th February 2019.   Anyone who has any comments of requires any information can make a comment on this blog and it will be answered.